We have assembled a world class team

Alex Maslov, MD, PhD
Ph.D. Cell biology/Biochemistry, Voronezh State University, Russia, 1996
M.D. Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko, Russia, 1992
Developed a novel next-generation sequencing-based approaches for genome-wide assessment of somatic mutational load in normal cells and tissues.
The focus of my research is on understanding the role of genome instability in the development of human disease, cancer and aging in particular. A significant part of my efforts is devoted to the development of new approaches of the identification of somatic mutations of various types

Jan Vijg, PhD
- Professor & Chairman Dept of Genetics Albert Einstein College
of Medicine - Co-author of over 300 papers
- 8 patent publications & 3 books
- First to develop transgenic mouse models for studying mutagenesis in vivo (in 1989)
- Recipient of the Schreuder Award of the Netherlands Society of Gerontology (1987), the Nathan Shock New Investigator Award of The Gerontological Society of America (1994) and the Irving Wright Award of Distinction of the American Federation for Aging Research (2012)
- Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Chairman of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Institute on Aging’s Intramural Research Program from 2013 to 2015
- Currently Chair of the NIH study section NIAB
- Editor in Chief of the journal Mutation Research from 2015-2018.

Chris Bradley
CEO & Co-Founder
- Serial Entrepreneur with an Exit
- Adjunct Professor at NYU
- CEO and Co-Founder – Loki Therapeutics
- Previously Executive Director – Comcast
- Previously CEO and Co-Founder – Mana Health (Acquired by Comcast 2018)
- 15 years of C-suite experience in Tech, Health IT, and Biotech
- Primary inventor on over 14 patents
- BS in Neuroscience & Cell Biology
- MS in Computer Science (NYU)

Sam Sharifi, PhD
Scientific Project Manager at Vincere Biosciences
Seven years of aging research experience
Expertise in epigenetics, metabolism, RNA and DNA biology
Researched the impact of rRNA synthesis on aging
Studied the role of epigenetic regulation by RNA:DNA triplex-forming ncRNA
Co-author of DrugAge
Venture Fellow – Healthspan Capital
BS in Biology
MS in Biomolecular Sciences