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Sequencing at the highest resolution

Sequence your DNA with unprecedented resolution

Our powerful Single Molecule Mutation Sequencing (SMM-seq (TM)) unlocks the ability to detect point mutations and structural variations in DNA, cells or tissue samples


A genome-wide approach to accurately detect point mutations. This can be both somatic mutations as well as germline mutations. The results will give you mutational load/frequency, spectrum and signatures. 


A genome-wide approach to detect structural variants with high accuracy. Unlike long-read WGS, the detection is not limited to the DNA input size and can detect structural variants that happen over a wider range. It detects the frequency of the variants and which specific ones occurred such as deletions, translocations, or inversions. 


Ultra-high def sequencing focused on the coding regions only.

SMM-SNV Targeted Panels

Ultra-high def sequencing focused on custom targeted panels 

Our Science

Single-molecule mutation sequencing is done through rolling circle–based linear amplification (RCA).

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